After several months of work, IPBan Pro 2.5.0 is now ready for usage. This release represents an immense amount of work and I hope it serves all of you well.

New Features
– Country block overrides per machine, use machines section, machine options to do this
– (Linux only) FirewallD is now used on Linux. This replaces the previous iptables implementation.
– ASN blocking, access from settings -> ipban shield section
– UI for disabling notifications for log files or event viewer per item
– Notes field to add whitelisting url form
– Blacklister specific role, this role is only allowed to call the `/api/banipaddresses?ipAddresses=ip1,ip2,ip3,etc` end point on the api of the web admin server
– Self signed certificate option for web admin server email notifications, see appsettings.json

– (Windows Only) Fix some edge cases where WFP whitelist ip addresses were not given precedence over blacklisted ip addresses
– Improve url whitelisting feature, bug fixes, stability improvements, handling of multiple filters/fqdn
– Tools, ban check in web admin or personal UI now correctly shows url whitelisting
– Attempt to fix an edge case that would delete the license key on web admin or personal edition startup
– Move delete machine button in machines section to the machine options
– Attempt to fix possible Linux timer issue in cycle call

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