It’s been a lot of work this year to get IPBan Pro 2.0.0 ready for release, and I am pleased to announce that IPBan Pro 2.0.0 is ready for download.

Please see the pre 2.0.0 update post if you want to see some in depth screenshots and explanations. This post will keep things at a high level due to the amount of items in the release.

New features:

  • Monitor tab. This tab contains allowed and dropped firewall packets, aggregated by country (over last 24 hours), along with a real-time stream for firewall packets and finally a resource monitor for your machines. You can use the toggle tab to turn firewall packet monitoring on or off per machine. Resource monitoring is always enabled. Resource monitoring currently does not save any history, so if you leave the monitoring tab and come back, it will be cleared. If you want history here, please let me know and I will see about getting it put into the database.
  • The country aggregate data for firewall packets, real-time firewall data and resource usage data are all available via web sockets. Learn more about these web sockets here.
  • Recent activity tab now has an export button where you can export csv files for each table to the maximum history in your database. This will show more items than the UI shows, since the UI is limited in items for performance reasons.
  • Auto-whitelist for successful logins. If enabled, each successful login from a client will whitelist for the number of days specified. This uses a special notes prefix for whitelist and blacklist entries, Expire:.
  • For your own custom whitelist and blacklist entries, you can use expiration in the notes when manually adding entries, just use YYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SSZ format after the prefix. After the specified date/time the entry will auto-delete.
  • IPBan Pro API additional lists. I am aggregating and normalizing various lists from the Internet such as tor exit nodes and spamhaus drop lists. These can be used in conjunction with the Naughty List, Recent List and Country Block Lists to secure your machines even further. If you have a list you’d like me to include, email me at [email protected] and I’d be happy to add it.
  • IPBan Pro API Swagger. This should allow easy integration outside of IPBan Pro and help everyone understand the API as it grows.
  • Web admin utility swagger. You can go to http(s)://yourserver/swagger to see the entire web admin api documentation locally. This will only work if you have locked down the web admin utility with a username and password. This will help greatly if you need to create custom integrations for IPBan Pro.


  • Whitelist and Blacklist tables now have additional options. You can edit, export and expand the list tall and collapse it small again.
  • Add permanent column headers in the web admin UI for filtering/sorting.
  • When pushing mass updates to machines, you can filter machines in case you want to try the update out on only one machine first. This requires both client and web admin to be 2.0.0 or newer.
  • Improve installer when needing to edit entries. You can user arrow keys, delete key and insert text.
  • Simplify list management in IPBan Shield tab in web admin UI. Always show counts of each list even if they are not enabled.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix sorting on date fields in the web admin UI.
  • Geocoding was not working on notifications, and it was slow. I’ve used the free Maxmind license to create a local Maxmind db which speeds up geocoding greatly. The about tab contains attribution for compliance with Maxmind free license.
  • SQL server was using the text data type for some columns. This won’t break most people, but if you are impacted (i.e. you want non-Latin chars), you can uninstall the web admin, backup your existing sql server db and then delete it, then re-install the web admin and then change the appsettings.json back to sql server. Then you can copy your settings table from the backup back to the settings table in the web admin, then restart the web admin service.
  • Fix for Linux ip address ranges that were not a proper cidr range, these will instead be split into single ip addresses up to 128 items, otherwise skipped. This should reduce Linux warnings and errors.
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